I stumbled onto many things on my recent motorcycle trip from Milwaukee to Austin. Besides the buckets of rain and countless terrible drivers, one undeniably positive thing was the the National Motorcycle Museum in Nowheresville, IA(a.k.a. Anamosa, IA). I knew I was going to stop because my stupid moron motorcycle brain wouldn't just let me just pass this mecca by and all self control seems to disappear when motorcycles are involved. I knew it was going to be rad when a grizzled old Harley guy said, "You're not going to want to leave..." while I was on my way in and his wife was dragging him out.
Well, to put it bluntly, this place is like crack to a motorcycle junky. The displays, the bikes, the facility were amazing. Not to mention, the entry fee was only 8 bucks.
You must all go to this place.
Here's a few shots I took while I was there. To see anymore, GO THERE!