I do believe that if you live in Austin, TX, you were on your bike this last Sunday. If you weren't, I'll only accept that you must've been in the hospital or working on a project bike of your own. That's it. In which case, for those that weren't there, get well soon. The cafe racer meetup group met at Joe's coffee on congress around noon, talked bikes(go figure) and got ready for a great ride. The ride went through some of the best twists and turns that Austins metropolitan area has to offer. This being the same city that Lance Armstrong used to train in, we ran into lots of hills, banked turns and surprisingly low traffic. It was a loosely governed route and the guys on the faster bikes were great about waiting and making sure everybody stayed together. Helmet hair wasn't the only hidden underneath my helmet, I was grinning like the first time I saw a girl naked. Awesome. The ride ended at Artz Rib House where we spent time talking in between shoving BBQ into guts. Great ribs with a cool atmosphere, plus we got to hear two bluegrass bands warm up for a show that evening while we ate. How cool is that! If you're in or near Austin, come out for a ride! No judgments, minimal snobbery, just a bunch of guys that love bikes. You can find out more info here:
http://www.meetup.com/Cafe-Racer/I'm going to attempt to jury rig a camera to my handle bars and take some video of the next ride. I'll either be posting a sweet video or a paragraph full of typed sad faces. For now, you'll have to satisfied with a pics of the bikes at Cup of Joes coffee.

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