Clearly this post is a little late, but I thought I'd better include this while it's still 2009.
For anybody who doesn't know, Rockerbox, is basically the only event worth going to in Milwaukee, let alone the entire state of Wisconsin. Attracting only the bare minimum of Harley riding riff raff, this event is made for those of us with a less conventional view of what qualifies as two-wheeled eye candy. If you're from Milwaukee, you'd better have been there, if you aren't, make the trip because you won't be disappointed. Plus, if it gets rained out, as great outdoor events always seem to in the Midwest, there's always getting drunk on the miller brewery tour....or the Sprecker brewery tour....or the Leinenkugal's brewery tour....or the Lakefront brewery tour.... What made Milwaukee get the idea....
Take special note of the turbo charged CBX....completely nuts.